Demand Side Platform (DSP) When Mobile Performance is Critical

With our managed service solutions, you can accelerate the growth of your mobile app.

Entertainment, e commerce, games, utility, news impressions, clicks, installs, performance
Arrow button, arrow button icon, arrow button png, arrow button image, up arrow button, down arrow button


Acquire new and high-value users rather than just installs, audience, end user, user research, active users, android users

Acquire new and high-value users rather than just instals.

Remarketing, retargeting, app revenue, retargeting ads, google remarketing, dynamic remarketing, remarketing ads

Remarketing to existing users can increase app usage and revenue.

Solutions to drive performance without device IDs, future-proofed for a privacy-first world.

Solutions to drive performance without device IDs, future-proofed for a privacy-first world.

Axismobi DSP is an easy-to-use advertising platform for running targeted, measurable, and engaging advertisements that convert your audiences into customers.

More Engaging, Less Time Consuming

Dashboard in One View

A single transparent, one-view dashboard allows you to manage campaigns in one place, optimize media budgets, and obtain detailed traffic and campaign performance information from custom-generated reports.

Simple & Easy Navigation

Have you ever gotten lost in the settings? Setting up an ad campaign with AXISMOBI DSP is simple - get started in a matter of clicks. We simplified and optimized the core flow so you can spend less time on campaign launch and management.


Use Automation to
Speed Up Media Purchasing

Advertisers can use AXISMOBI DSP to run AI-powered programmatic ad campaigns across channels, formats, geographies, and business verticals. With intelligent AI and ML decision-making algorithms, you spend the least time and get the most out of your campaigns. Use exclusive AXISMOBI DSP features to improve campaign performance on the go.

Increased Impressions, Lower CPM

By adjusting your bids to the optimal level, adaptive CPM allows you to get more impressions for the same price/spend.

Advertising Budgets Were Saved

An innovative bidding mechanism ensures that your bids are optimal while remaining competitive enough to win prints and avoid overspending.

Increased Ad Clicks

Your campaign will receive significantly more clicks and recognition when you enable the click booster feature.

Predictable Results

You can use optimization rules to prioritize or automatically remove sources based on the criteria you specify.


Create your creative library by utilizing engaging desktop, mobile, in-app, and CTV ad units. Upload tag-based creatives directly from primary innovative tools to Axismobi DSP for advanced tracking and optimization.

Diverse Targeting

Reach out to your target audience when they need a product or service similar to yours.
To convert ad viewers into customers and brand fans, channel your ad message to the right people at the right time and on the right screen.

Device Brands
Connection type
IAB Category

Select the impressions that suit you.

Reach out to your target audience when they need a product or service similar to yours.
To convert ad viewers into customers and brand fans, channel your ad message to the right people at the right time and on the right screen.

  • Utilize Filters
  • Create your allowlists and blocklists
  • Only target impressions with the bid price you specify
  • Create rules for prioritizing or excluding inventory
  • Retarget the same audience in your next campaign
AppNexus and other RTB-based supplies are fully integrated with Axismobi DSP.

Platform in-house for brands, affiliates, and large advertisers

Make the most of your campaigns. Connect with the appropriate publishers and exchanges to achieve the best results for your campaigns. AppNexus and other RTB-based supplies are fully integrated with Axismobi DSP. Furthermore, the suite includes a user-friendly manage-serve interface for direct management of Header-Bidding publishers via Prebid.js, as well as real-time analytics and optimization features for eCPM, postback tracking, and CPA-to-CPM optimization. To have all your partner stats in one place, use 100% stats aggregation.

  1. 1. REGISTER

    Create your free personal
    account DSP.

  2. 2. SETUP

    Fill up the budget.

  3. 3. LAUNCH

    Running and managing campaigns
    in real-time.

We are dedicated to providing exceptional customer service. As a long-term ad technology provider, we are uniquely positioned to provide your company with technical support and invaluable, actionable strategic insight.

Advanced targeting with Campaign Builders

While using targeting options, let the right message find the right person. Discover your customers across all channels, including desktops, mobile, in-app, and CTV.


Acquire new and high-value users rather than just installing them. Remarketing to existing users can increase app usage and revenue. Solutions to drive performance without device IDs, future-proofed for a privacy-first world.

Request a Demo