MVC (Model-View-Controller) is like a team working together to build an application. The model represents the data and the logic behind it, the view is responsible for the user interface, and the controller manages the flow of information between the model and the view.
When it comes to Windows applications, MVC can be likened to a group of teammates collaborating seamlessly. The model holds the important data and calculations, the view presents it in a user-friendly way, and the controller ensures everything runs smoothly.
In the case of web-based applications, MVC acts as a reliable team that works together harmoniously. The model stores the necessary data, the view showcases it beautifully on the web, and the controller ensures seamless communication between the model and the view.
MVC is a flexible approach that can be used in various types of applications, whether it's for Windows or web-based development. It simplifies the development process, enhances code organization, and promotes scalability and maintainability.